How To Win Despite Losing a Piece in Chess

If due to inevitable blunder or tactical mistake you lose a piece, how do you manage to survive or even win a chess game?

Well, you simply got to get going! Don’t get discouraged. Just continue to play and use all your available resources to defend and attack. If the game is on its opening stages, do not resign and never lose hope. Always look for the opportunity to equalize. Of course, in a game between equals, this is better said than done. But, always hope against hope.

We all knew as chess players that losing a piece in an equal position to an opponent with an equal or a higher rating than you is disastrous. If you blunder a piece by sheer negligence or mistake without any form of compensation, the only way to survive is simply not to lose hope and make the most of your pieces and the situation on the chessboard. Do not allow your opponent to know that you indeed lose a piece by mistake. Try keeping a poker face. Study the situation carefully and make the most of what you have.

Imagine, how much confidence you can get if you are able to draw or even win a game after losing a piece. The confidence gained from such experience is worth finishing the tournament. It will show your maturity as a chess player. If you already lost a piece and you are already losing, then technically you actually do not lose anything if you continue playing.

I know you read about Magnus Carlsen winning against Gawain Jones despite blundering a piece in the 8th round of 80th Tata Steels Masters Tournament. This game is very entertaining and at the same time provides a valuable lesson on how to continue playing and eventually winning a game despite losing a piece.

Chess is a game of nerves. It often requires the ability to keep your confidence and composure despite a bad position. The lose of a piece is not the end of the world and the game. Consider it more as a challenge.  You may have made a very negligent move during the early stages of the game but just like you, your opponent (unless you are playing against a computer) can also make mistakes.


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