Alexander Alekhine v. K Isakov (Ponziani Opening,Steinitz Variation; Moscow Club Spring, 1907)
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Alekhine v. Isakov (after 21. Nxe4) |
[White "Alexander Alekhine"]
[Black "K Isakov"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. c3 {The "Ponziani Opening" prepares for the d4 push but blocks the usual outpost for the knight on b1. I rarely see this opening in present tournaments.} 3... d5 4. Qa4 f6 {This move weakened black's kingside and at the same time denies the knight at f8 its usual place.} 5. Bb5 Ne7 6. exd5 Qxd5 7. O-O {White immediately castled for safety. In this game however black was denied castling privileges.} 7... Bd7 8. d4 e4 9. Nfd2 f5 10. Nb3 Ne5 {Of course, taking the knight would be bad for white.} 11. Nc5 c6 12. Be2 Bc8 13. Be3 b5 14. Qa5 {White has the the clear advantage in this position despite his undeveloped knight at b1. Black's king is still stuck dangerously in the middle of the board.} 14... Nc4 15. Bxc4 Qxc4 16. Nd2 Qd5 17. a4 Ng6 18. f3 {White provokes the opening of the e-file for purposes of attack.} 18... Bxc5 19. dxc5 Qd3 20. Bg5 h6 21. Nxe4 {This move surprised black. White gave black the option of taking either the bishop or knight. However, since black's king is still in the middle of the board with the e and d file ready for white's rook to exploit, Alekhine already achieved a winning game.} 21... hxg5 22. Nd6+ Kd7 23. Rad1 Qe3+ 24. Kh1 Qf4 25. g3 Qxa4 26. Nxb5+ 1-0