Tigran Petrosian v. Gennady Sosonko (English Opening, King's English Variation; Tilburg, 1981)
[Event "It ( cat. 15 )"]
[Site "Tilburg"]
[Date "1981"]
[White "Petrosian"]
[Black "Gennady Sosonko"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. c4 e5 {The "English Opening"
can be referred to as the "Sicilian Defense"
in reverse. It is said that this opening is so named because of the group of English players who played this move in the
1890's. } 2. b3 {White intends to
fianchetto his black colored bishop to gain
control of the a1 to h8 diagonal.
In this game, we will see how this bishop
became very dominant.}
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Petrosian v. Sosonko (After 26. Rxe5) |
frees the bishop on f1.} 4... Be7 5. a3 O-O
6. Qc2 d5 7. cxd5 Nxd5 8. Nf3 Bf6 {Black planned to neutralize white's
control of the a1 to h8 diagonal.} 9. d3 g6 10. Nbd2 Bg7 11. Rc1 g5 {This is an
aggressive move but it weakens the kingside. } 12. Nc4 {White counters by
attacking the e5 pawn.} 12... Qe7 13. b4 a6 14. Nfd2 f5 {It seems that black has
gained space on the kingside.
The pawn roll appears to be very dangerous.}
15. Be2 g4 16. Nb3 Kh8 17. Nca5 {White concentrates his attack on the
queenside where he has control of the c file.} 17... Nxa5 18. Nxa5 Qf7 19. O-O
{White considers black's pawn roll on the kingside as not that dangerous.} 19...
c6 20. Nc4 Qe7 21. Rfe1 Bd7 22. Bf1 Nc7 23. Nb6 Rad8 24. Qc5 Qxc5 25. Rxc5
{The exchange of queens is better for white.} 25... Ne6 26. Rxe5 {White
sacrifices the exchange to gain complete control of the a1 to h8 diagonal.} 26...
Bxe5 27. Bxe5+ Kg8 28. d4 Be8 29.Nc4 b5 30. Nd6 {White has complete control
of the center. The bishop at e5 is very dominating.} 30... Bd7 31. Rc1 Ng5 32.
Nb7 Rc8 33. Bd3 Ra8 34. Kf1 {White prepares for the ensuing end game.} 34...
Be6 35. Bf4 Nf7 36. Ke2 Bd5 37. Bxf5 {After this pawn swap, white has a
clear winning game.} 37... Ne5 38. Bxe5 Rxf5 39. Nd6 Rff8 40. e4 Bc4+ 41. Nxc4
bxc4 42. Rxc4 {White has three pawns more than black. With control of the
center, black is forced to resign the game.} 42... a5 43. Bd6 Rfe8 44. e5
axb4 45. Bxb4 1-0