Hershey (Chocolate Chihuahua)

Hershey is one Chihuahua who is blessed with much sought-after chocolate color. Chihuahuas are often priced depending on their color. A Chihuahua is one of the dog breeds that come in a variety of colors - from black to blue to brindle. I was thinking of getting a Chihuahua that is pure white. But getting a pure white Chihuahua is very difficult and pricey. A chocolate-colored Chihuahua on the other hand is not that rare either in the short-haired or long coat variety. Chocolate-colored Chihuahuas however are popular among pet owners I knew.

Hershey is shy and reserved compared to her sister Mocha. Her inquisitive eyes often make me wonder what questions are on her mind waiting for answers. If only dogs can speak - they would probably ask a lot of questions. They would convey their opinions about life. Perhaps, they can provide the answers to questions that we humans have been longing to find answers to. Whenever I leave home, Hershey would often give me that look as if asking why I have to leave? To assure her that I would be back, I carry and give her a hug. When I put her down, I knew that at the very least I am able to provide Hershey some answers to the questions she can only propound through her eyes.

There is a sibling rivalry between Hershey and Mocha. Whenever I am near, their playful encounter would suddenly turn into a fight. Not vicious but I can tell that they want to make an impression or a statement. This kind of "sibling fight" often erupts whenever I am around and it is difficult to understand this type of behavior which I often see when my Chihuahuas are still young. After their "fight", Mocha would try to mend things with Hershey by continuously licking her face. I observed this kind of behavior several times and I think this is their way of strengthening their bond.

Dogs are like us in several ways. They want to constantly reinforce the bond between them. They feel joy and pain. If we begin to see pets as no different from other animals we erroneously consider as ingredients or cuisines, we would definitely see that life is important to all sentient beings. The fact that we are humans does not give us the right to take that life away.


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