How To Improve Critical Thinking

Chess has so many known benefits, among which includes, the prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease. But aside from this great benefit of preventing such a dreaded disease, chess greatly improves critical thinking - or "the ability to have an objective analysis of evaluation of the issue in order to form a judgment". The ability to think objectively in the midst of chaos is one skill that is not only useful in chess but also in real life.

Chess is a game that requires a constant evaluation of the position. The number of possible combinations requires the player to continually assess any resulting position. Once a move is made which entirely changes the situation on the board, the evaluation of how that move affected one’s position is crucial. It is this necessity of constantly evaluating a position in every move that improves critical thinking ability.

When a move is made in chess, the player has to consider a lot of things such as intention or the reason behind such move and its objective soundness based on tactical and strategical reasons for purposes of making the most appropriate response. This continuous evaluation of the move taken by the person on the other side of the board is how chess improves critical thinking skills.

"Among a great many other things that chess teaches you is to control the initial excitement you feel when you see something that looks good. It trains you to think before grabbing and to think just as objectively when you're in trouble." - Stanley Kubrick

In chess, the identification of the problem is a basic skill. With several options on the chessboard, the player who can identify the problem and provide the best solution often triumphs in the end. Chess hones the player's skill in properly identifying the problem that should be given an immediate response. This is in order to find the best line of attack or to establish the most stubborn defense.

Chess improves critical thinking skills by developing the ability to find the most effective solution to a problem within a very limited time. Given the time limit to finish the game, chess is a good exercise for the brain to find the best move amidst the complexity and confusion. It trains the brain to think clearly even under pressure.

There are tons of advice on how to improve critical thinking. But there is no better way to test or use that advice except by playing chess. The moment a move is made, critical thinking is immediately set in motion.


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