Must See Paintings by Fernando C. Amorsolo

Photos of Amorsolo Paintings usually adorn postcards where the image often depicts the simple and rural life in the province such as "harvesting rice" or being "under a mango tree". Given today's technological innovations, it is rare to see a postcard. But, I do remember the scenes painted by Amorsolo. Perhaps, this is the magic of an Amorsolo Painting, once you see it, it stays with you for life.

If you want to see original paintings and drawings by Amorsolo, you may visit the National Museum in Manila. 

Oil on canvas/1950
"Fernando C. Amorsolo (1892-1972), the first National Artist of the Philippines, was known for his oil paintings of rural life made in the classical style. He also made a number of commissioned portraits of individuals and families at the peak of his career."

Children Playing in the River
Oil on canvas/1963

Under the Mango Tree
Oil on canvas/1935

Las Lavanderas
Oil on canvas/1964

Oil on canvas/1959


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