A Lesson In Life

After the recent eruption of the Taal Volcano, we made a quick visit to Tagaytay. We are happy to see that Tagaytay is slowly recovering from this tragic event.  Starbucks, bars, and most restaurants are back in business.  Tourists are back again. Almost everything is business as usual. The scar of the eruption, however, can still be seen in some areas where the ashfall still envelops the trees and plants changing their color from a vibrant green into a saddening gray.

From afar, the area surrounding the crater of the Taal Volcano has been transformed into a dessert-like gray.  The green vegetation is no longer visible.  The aftermath of Taal's eruption is what is on everyone's lips. I looked at Taal Volcano and wondered when it will retain its old splendor.

Now that everything is in lockdown because of Covid-19, I missed those weekends visiting Tagaytay. I am thinking when will life will be normal again. Perhaps, there would be what they call a "new normal" that is something we will have to see once the mandatory quarantine and lockdown is lifted by the government.

The recent eruption of Taal Volcano and the unexpected effect of Covid-19 taught us that life can change in an instant. There are really no guarantees in this world. Change happens every time. Those disruptive and abrupt changes can happen at any moment. With this in mind, we must learn to appreciate those little things that make life great - the view of the mountain, a Soy Mocha Frap while looking at the Taal Volcano, being able to be close to someone without fear of getting sick, reading a magazine inside a Coffee Shop unmindful of a cough from a fellow customer, or just being able to travel anywhere without a quarantine pass.

Life is short and everything will pass. Change is the only constant in this world. Now, that we are in a very difficult situation. Let us not forget that this too will pass! We got to be strong. Have faith in the Lord that He is always in control. Be safe and never lose faith!


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