Conversation Generosity

Have you ever heard of the term "conversation generosity?" David J. Schwartz in his book " The Magic of Thinking Big" discussed the value of listening and that the more successful a person is, the more he practices conversation generosity.

It is said that when you speak, you just repeat what you already know. In listening, however, you increase your knowledge. The more you listen, the more you understand things about the person, the world, and everything around you. Listening allows us to understand the views of the other person better. It avoids useless arguments because listening is a very effective tool to put ourselves in the shoe of the person at the other end of the line.

In most situations, the better move to make is to just shut up and listen to the other person speaking. Usually, when a person is speaking what we do is simply wait for the person to speak so that we can say our piece. While we appear to be listening, we are actually pretending. We really do not care what the person is really saying.

When a person is speaking, it is polite that we give that person our undivided attention. Our full attention. We should try to grasp what the person is trying to convey to us. What is that idea that the person wants to share? We should always remember that life is not a one-way street. There are three angles to a story - yours, the other, the person, and the truth. If we learn the art of listening, we can understand what the other person is going through and relate to the situation the person is in.


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