The Queen's Gambit: A Series That Will Inspire You to Play Chess

There is an inherent difficulty in making a movie about chess. The difficulty lies in the fact that chess is not a spectator sport. If you are not a chess player or someone who has zero knowledge about the game, you will not be able to comprehend the struggle on the chessboard. Unlike in other sports such as basketball where it is easy to understand that the goal of the game is to simply put the ball inside the basket, the objective of chess which is to "checkmate" the opponent's King requires a little more explanation. Since chess is not a spectator sport, making a movie about chess that is interesting for the masses to watch is a challenge.

The Netflix series - the Queen's Gambit - is one example of how a movie about chess can be made exciting and interesting. The focus shifts from life in an orphanage to puberty,  alcohol, drugs, and then centers on the struggles on the chessboard. But it is not only the shifts in struggles that make the series captivating, it is how the main character in the series deal with these struggles that made the series worth watching even for non- chessplayers. It is also relevant to mention that the main character, Beth Harmon played by Anya Taylor-Joy has very beautiful eyes that seem to convey what's on her mind.

For chess players, every movie or series based on the game of chess is definitely worth the time. I enjoyed watching the movie- the Queen of Katwe before this series. The similarity between the movie - the Queen of Katwe and the Netflix series - the Queen's Gambit -  shows how chess can help someone to move on in life.  Just like any great talent in anything, exceptional talent in chess can be employed to change one's life. A talent in chess, when used to the utmost, can be a stepping stone to a better life. But just like any talent, a talent in chess has to be developed. Talent without discipline is useless.

The series has shown how Beth Harmon lost a very important game because she failed to sleep early and had a hangover. Chess is a game that demands discipline and focus. It requires that every player who intends to play serious chess should always be prepared during a tournament. A good night's sleep is very important for anyone who intends to play good chess. 

The series is very entertaining and shows the life of a chess player who participates in tournaments. To be able to participate in tournaments, money is essential. Just like Beth, most chess players are not born with a silver spoon. Many struggles financially that traveling and participating in chess tournaments is easier said than done. But for the love of the game, there are lots of chess players who are willing to join chess tournaments despite the meager price.

I hope that there would be a sequel to this series. While it is fictional, it made chess a little more popular. 


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