Chess: The Gold Coin Game

Chess is Beautiful! Once you learn the game and play your very first move, you will instantly get hooked. Chess has that certain allure that will make you continue playing the game. The objective of the game - to capture the opponent's King - is not as easy as you think. To win at chess, you got to know about strategy and tactics. But, for your game to be remembered by history your game should be creative and exciting. 

One of the most creative games in chess history occurred on July 20, 1912, between Stefan Levitsky and Frank James Marshall or the Gold Coin Game. The final position of the game is as if the two protagonists have created a stunning painting on a canvass. Only this time, the canvass is the chessboard.

If you look at the final position where the Black Queen appears to be staring at Levitsky's King that is safely castled and the Queen can be taken in three ways, it is surprising why White resigned. Marshall has stunned the spectators with his move  (23.__Qg3!!!) that gold coins were said to have been showered on the chessboard. 

Whether or not the story is true, this game is an example of how beautiful the game of chess can be. It can mesmerize audiences. Chess can be part of history. It can create something for humankind to remember a game that was played 107 years ago!. 



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