Do Not Hurt the Strays

I am saddened whenever I see cats, dogs, and other animals hurt or dead on the streets. This may either be accidental or intentional. Whatever the case may be, to hurt an innocent stray is not an acceptable way to live with our fellow sentient beings. Strays and other animals have the same right as we do to live and enjoy life. 

Stray cats and dogs are trying their best to survive. They do their best to stay alive. If you cannot help those helpless stray cats and dogs on the streets, then please do not hurt them. If you can, help feed the strays

I was delighted, when I saw signage in the parking area in one of the popular malls in Quezon City that reminds motorists to drive carefully due to the presence of stray cats, I was very pleased. This shows a big concern by huge corporations towards strays. This concern is indeed very much appreciated.  I hope that other malls and big corporations come up with ideas like this for the benefit of the strays.


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