Colors of Autumn in Canada

One of the best things to experience in Canada is autumn or fall. It is this time of the year when leaves transform into their brightest colors.  Autumn is also a great time to visit Morningside Park or to simply just get out and walk. As you wak in open areas or hike in Valley Land Trail, you can see an explosion of colors among the trees. The leaves are a multi-color of green, red, yellow, brown and purple as if an artist created such a spectacular sight.  Autumn is nature's expression of colors.

Autumn is the best time to travel to Canada. Autumn signals the transition from summer to winter.  During this season, the air is cool without the snow. Snowfall may be exciting to those who will experience it for the first time. However, snow can also b e an inconvenience. In autumn, you can walk and travel light. There is no need for those heavy snow shoes. But, usually, when I walk to parks during autumn, I wear a light jacket to protect myself from the cold air.


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