Dream a New Dream!

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” - C.S. Lewis

Age is, really nothing but a number! Do not forget that. Do not let old age discourage you from setting a new goal in life! Continue dreaming! Dream great things! Dream big!

If you can see it in your mind, you can always transform it into a reality! Do not listen to anyone who spread negativity and put an anchor to any goal or dream because of your age. Think that you are young enough and you would feel young! Do not forget that there are famous and rich people who achieved their dreams later in life.

Just ignore those who discourage you.  The world has changed a lot.  Everyone is now given the chance to do all the things that they want to do whoever they are and wherever they may be. The internet has removed limitations and boundaries including age.  What has been considered impossible before is now but an ordinary task.

The best time to start what you want to do in life is now! Forget about yesterday. Be prepared for tomorrow. But, do not worry. Worrying won’t solve anything.  Just do what you want today!

If you want to write a book- just write! If you want to travel- take the first step.  If you want to exercise in the morning,  try not to snooze your alarm clock! Nothing can stop you from doing what you want!

Life is very short. Sometimes we wake up one morning and ask where all those time went. When we were young, it seems that we have all the time in the world. It seems that time will always be there for us. Then we just realize that time has slipped away – just like in a song.

Yet, there is something that we should never forget – every day is always a new start for everything. A brand new day is a day for us to begin something new. Let go of any regret in later life. Time lost is lost forever. What is more important now is to let go of the past and start something new at whatever age you are right now!

Always remember you are never too old to start another dream and goal! So, go on write that book! Start a business! Ride that motorcycle!! Start living the life you want to live!


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