Binukbok View Point Resort (Bauan, Batangas)

Since I enjoyed my first visit to Binukbok, I decided to travel back to this place. I never regretted coming back. In Binukbok, seeing marine fauna is fun and inexpensive. Different colored fishes can be seen without much effort.

On my second visit to Binukbok, I stayed overnight at Hotel La Corona De Lipa. From this hotel fronting SM Lipa,  you can reach Binukbok via Lemery to San Luis. There is a parking area for your vehicle with a very minimal fee.

When in Binukbok, snorkeling is safer compared to where you a boat takes you to a destination almost in the middle of the sea. Here even in just a few meters from the shore, an abundant marine life greets you. The experience of seeing these fishes in great numbers specifically referred to as "schools" is extraordinary. For anyone who used only to see lifeless fishes for sale in the market, Binukbok Marine Sanctuary is a haven for everyone desiring to commune with nature found underneath the sea.

Accommodation at Binukbok View Point Resort is expectedly simple. There are tents typical for camping like accommodation. There are also rooms with airconditioning or a simple fan for those who opted to stay overnight. Comfort rooms and shower areas are accessible but most are for common use. 

Food is now available at Binukbok. You can ask someone to cook lunch for you.  Guests are served complimentary iced tea and drinking water. However, if you are planning to visit or stay overnight it is a great idea to bring your own water and food. Please dispose of plastics and other wastes properly for the sake of the environment. There are thrash bins strategically located in the resort to ensure that visitors place their garbage properly. It is sad that the Philippines is listed as the 3rd largest plastic polluter of the world's seas

Binukbok is a haven for those who love the sea and the life underneath. And for those who think that the true meaning of life can be found once you submerge your head underwater.  No matter what, the place is a paradise. This is the nearest one can get to see the amazing life under the sea. 

What is great about Binukbok is that it is still pristine, practically untouched though already discovered with still a very few tourists. I hope it remains that way. Impossible.  Hoping against hope, Binukbok will not suffer from the influx of tourists, travelers and the curious. Environmental laws have to be enforced for the benefit of the environment, anyone, and the future generation. For Binukbok, plastics should be disposed of properly. Seeing plastics and trash in Binukbok and on other beaches is like seeing one big threat to the environment. 

Please throw you plastics and other trash in the garbage bins and never allow it to form part of Binukbok. If we cannot be part of one big advocacy, the very least we can do is not to add to the huge problem of plastic waste.


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