Benefits of Riding a Bicycle

The Mall of Asia Grounds in Pasay City is one of the best places to go if you are into cycling. If you are a beginner or an advanced biking enthusiast, try MOA or BGC. The area is bike-friendly. There are bike lanes for the safety of cyclists. Having these bike lanes is definitely an indication that the area is safe for bikers. 

From MOA, you can bike to Harbour Square near the Cultural Center of the Philippines. If you still got the strength, you can ride to Rizal Park and a little more effort will take you to Intramuros. But before heading to Intramuros, you can check out the controversial Manila Bay Sands Project or Dolomite Beach.

There are a lot of things you can see when you are on a bicycle. Compared to when you are in a car, you are more environmentally connected when you are on a bicycle. This is of course just an opinion. But, riding a bicycle along Manila Bay is more relaxing and stress-free. Parking is never a problem when you use a bicycle.

Why ride a bicycle? Biking is healthy. It is an activity that lets you easily escape a sedentary lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle is cited as a cause of several degenerative diseases. Once you get on that bike saddle, your journey towards an active and healthy life begins and more often than not, is assured.

Try MOA grounds in Pasay City. I often see a lot of bikers there. It really doesn’t matter how old you are or what kind of bicycle you have. I often use my folding bike whenever I am at the MOA grounds. A folding bike is easy to pedal, easy to carry, very light, and with enough speed to bring me to Manila Bay, look at the boats or watch the sunset.

Biking is for everyone! Do not hesitate to try. Just take the first pedal and you are definitely on your way to becoming a world-class cyclist or simply have fun. There are interesting things to see and experience while biking along the Manila Bay Walk. If somehow you reach Intramuros, learn history by visiting Fort Santiago. You can also take some time to look at the statues near Intramuros.

The pandemic has changed our lifestyle. To prevent the spread, we are required to stay home more often. I say that we should follow all government-imposed health protocols. But, certain restrictions are lifted allowing biking within your area, take the opportunity. Biking is one sure way to relieve boredom and get healthier. It is considered the simplest way to exercise.

No matter what, life must go on. We need to continue living. There is more to life than the office, lockdowns, pandemics, and vaccines. One of the simplest and easiest ways to enjoy life is by biking. Just go ahead and try. With biking, you will always experience something new.


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